Clinical Research
The use of compression in the management of the venous reflux condition is highly recommended. The Dual Compression System (DCS) that combines both long and short stretch bandages. It is designed to confidently apply consistent therapeutic pressure (30-50 mm Hg) via visual indicators. It is also known that patients with venous reflux conditions frequently suffer from skin problems in the lower limb. An analysis of skin improvement from this real-life study is presented.
The clinical data from a large prospective, multicentre, observational study treated with the DCS in outpatient settings or during home visits for a maximum duration of six weeks (4 clinician visits maximum) were specifically analysed for data associated with the skin condition. The improvement of the skin condition was one of the important outcome measures, along with the other standard measures such as wound healing rate, wound healing progression, local tolerability and acceptance of the compression therapy. The condition of the skin was assessed on a scale of one (‘healthy’) to five (‘severely damaged’).
Amongst 702 venous insufficiency patients, 30.9% of wounds had healed and 61.8% had improved. Limb oedema was resolved in 66.7% of patients and an improvement of ankle mobility was reported in 44.2% of patients. The condition of the skin was rated as healthy (score: 1) in 9.5%, damaged (score 2/3) in 60.3%, severely damaged (score 4/5) in 5.6% patients at baseline. According to the physician’s final assessment and compared with the initial visit (n=702), the skin condition was ‘improved’ in 73.9% patients, ‘unchanged’ in 20.2% patients and ‘deteriorated’ in 0.4% patients. Patient acceptance rates were high with “very well’ or ‘well’ tolerated and ‘very well’ or ‘well’ accepted by >95% of patients.
Concurrent with improvement in the venous reflux condition and wound healing/edema reduction, skin quality improvement is observed in a large and rigorous study on patients with venous ulcers and or edema. Comparative studies in this regard are suggested.